The Next Level of the Paleo Diet

More than a discussion of the dangers of a vegetarian or vegan diet and the risks of adapting these diets long-term, this book presents scientific evidence of why we need animal protein, meat, in our diets to maintain health.

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Meatatarian Book Cover
World regions and suggested menus are presented to provide ideas for healthy, long-term, fresh, whole-food eating so you can live a longer, healthier life, without depriving yourself of bacon.

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About Meatatarian

More than a discussion of the dangers of a vegetarian or vegan diet and the risks of adapting these diets long-term, this book presents scientific evidence of why we need animal protein, meat, in our diets to maintain health. This does not mean that the typical Paleo Diet “caveman mentality” is the way to go. So how do you incorporate the Paleo Diet and be successful?

If you have a general idea of where your ancestors were from, start there. World regions and suggested menus are presented to provide ideas for healthy, long-term, fresh, whole-food eating so you can live a longer, healthier life, without depriving yourself of bacon.

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“Meatatarian: The Next Level of Paleo Diet”
Maggie B. Conklin BA, ND